About the Committee
North High is proud to offer a Principal Advisory Committee for students. The purpose of the committee is for students to help provide input on the focus and direction that North High should take each year. Topics covered during committee meetings vary. Previous topics that the Principal Student Advisory Committee has addressed include bullying and harassment, instructional topics such as group work and homework, the addition of activities such as clubs. Students who sit in on the committee also have the opportunity to participate in focus groups by grade-level or topic when discussions or meetings are held more frequently.
Members of the Principal Advisory Council shall:
Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues;
Act as a link between the school and the community; and
Work to increase student achievement and performance through transparent operations and shared best practices.
The North High Principal Advisory Committee is made up of students from each advisory group. Each October, advisory groups select a student representative. From year to year, the committee consists of new and returning members based on their current advisory group. Groups typically meet each quarter throughout the school year.