About the Program
North High School is proud to offer golf. The Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union sanctions our high school sports for girls. Our teams compete in the Missouri River Conference. Through involvement in golf, students learn valuable life skills, including maturity, integrity, patience, and perspective.
The North High girls golf program believes in teaching athletes how to play the game of golf, from etiquette to ball spin, and everything in between. Win or lose, golf is a game that can be enjoyed by participants of every skill level.
Students in Action

Meet the Coach
Head Coach: Eric Hueschen
Meet the Players
Student-athletes give their all, both on and off the course. Countless hours go into strength, conditioning, and practice to build strong athletes that are prepared to compete. Likewise, our athletes fulfill academic requirements in order to participate in sports.
Stats & Highlights
Our students are gracious in victory and defeat. While we compete to win, our athletes know, it’s how you play the game that matters.
Notable Individual Achievements
First Place Finishes
Avery Beller – Sioux City North Invitational, 2019
Avery Beller – Sergeant Bluff-Luton Invitational, 2019
Varsity Individual Award Winners
Shay Sargent
Avery Beller
Sydnee Wynn
Madison Craighead
Megan Beecher
Sammie Rosenthal
Notable Team Achievements
First Place Finishes
Sergeant Bluff-Luton Invitational @ Green Valley Golf Course, Sioux City, IA, 2019
Benefits of Golf
Compared to other mainstream sports such as baseball, football, and basketball, golf has a low risk for injury. For this reason, golf boasts many physical benefits as the game involves a lot of walking. Golf is also a sport that emphasizes long-term full-body fitness and flexibility.
Golf also has many mental benefits. Because golf is an up-an-down game, it is quite similar to life. There have been books written about the similarities between golf and life. First and foremost, golf is challenging. It’s a sport that can extract a temper from the most mild-mannered people. It’s full of failures and victories. And perhaps, most importantly, it focuses on honesty and etiquette. The rules of golf do not begin “typical rules,” but with a “guide to etiquette,” or simply put, how to act appropriately on and off the course. In addition to ethics and etiquette, the game also teaches perseverance, hard work, and goal-setting.
Lastly, there are plenty of future benefits for students that choose to play golf in high school. Golf is very prevalent in the business world today. The golf course is a commonplace for business to be done, and knowing how to play the game can be very useful to one’s career. The great thing about golf is that, whether a student goes on to win the Masters or can hardly hit the ball, the benefits of golf do not discriminate.